Educational Evaluation

Dimensie guards the quality of education on the UT in different ways. Dimensie does this through collecting complaints and participate in the panel talks or education committee.

Programme Committee
The Programme Committee vouches for the quality of education. The course- and module-evaluations are being discussed and together with the education staff they try to solve critical problems. That’s why it is so important that as many students as possible fill out these evaluation forms. The students’ input is needed to find out what the biggest problems are and how they can be improved.

When an evaluation form is filled out the results are sent to the PC members. The results are discussed profoundly during the PC meeting. Furthermore, the course- and module coordinator writes a reaction about all parts. In this document, the points that will be improved in the next year are discussed and the teaching staff reacts to positive and negative parts of the module. The PC decides whether this is enough or if there are any further improvements that need to be done.

In the PC meetings, different subjects that are linked to psychology are discussed. Examples are:

  • Course- and module-evaluations
  • Internationalisation of the bachelor and master programme
  • Communication with students
  • Final evaluations of the bachelor- and master program
  • Developments within Twents Education Model (TEM)
  • General subjects concerning the quality of the educational program, like compensation rules

The committee consists of teaching and student members. They meet roughly once a month and these meetings are led by Judith ter Vrugte (one of the teaching members).

On Dimensie’s behalf, the Commissioner of Educational Affairs participates in the meetings. The commissioner discusses all subjects that are communicated to them by students. You can reach the Commissioner of Educational Affairs by mailing to or by just stopping by in the Rubix.

This information can also be found at

Panel Meetings
The panel talks are a collaboration of Dimensie and the educational staff of psychology. These panels are held for the first and second year and the second half of the third year and they take place once per quartile.

In the panel talks the module of that quartile is discussed; what are strong points of each track, what goes wrong and what are possible points of improvement. Through these talks, students can affect the education and make their voice heard. Participants of the panel talks are active during the lessons and keep an eye on what goes right or wrong. They are led by the Commissioner of Educational Affairs of the current Board.

Would you like to participate in the panel talks? Send an e-mail to

Educational Complaints
Dimensie plays a role in guarding the quality of the psychology programme at the UT. The Commissioner of Educational Affairs can’t do this alone. As a student, you know better than anyone else when something goes wrong during a course.  So if you have any feedback to make the education better for yourself or future students feel free to mail us via:

All complaints will be treated anonymously. They will in no way be communicated to a teacher linked to your name without your consent.

BMS Input Session

The BMS Input sessions are organised every quartile. They usually take place during the lunch time, and free lunch is provided. Students, as well as teachers and the staff of the faculty, are invited to start discussions based on various topics relevant to the education at that time. 

When these sessions are approaching, Dimensie will promote the event, so don't forget to sign-up!

Here is the overview of the previous BMS Input Sessions (including Minutes + Summary of Minutes)



  • 1. Exploring Perspectives on UT Education
  • 2. Free Riding